Monday, March 13, 2017

Education as Discipline

Education is a process of acquisition of knowledge and experience as well as the development of skills habits and attitudes.
Education means to lead out of ignorance. Swami Vivekananda thinks education is the manifestation of divine Perfection already existing in man. Education is a triangular process. It involve the inter play of the educator. The educand and the soul force. Educator is the teacher who tries to, modify the child. The educand and the social force is an element of society which has the capability of causing a change or inference people.
Academic discipline/field of study is a branch of knowledge that is taught and researched at College or University level.
Discipline are defined and recognized by the academic journal in which research is published and by the learned society and academic departments or facilities.
It describes type of knowledge, expertise, skill people, projects, communities problem challenged studies. Inquiry approaches and research areas that are associated with academic area of study.
For example the branches of science are commonly referred to as the scientific disciplines e.g.: physics and gravitation is strongly associated with that disciplinary knowledge.
Academic discipline have several branches or sub disciplines that leads to co-evolve with the system of professions may be said to own knowledge in particular disciplinary area.
To become a discipline acedamia a subject must be professional enough. A discipline has its own independent language system and its own professional techniques. It means that the discipline should have its own theory & practice.
This particular language system divide the people into two. One is the expert and the other is lay man. In medicine the expert is a doctor and in education the expert is an educationalist.
Reason for considering education as a discipline
Ø It has well defined function.
Education as a discipline has clearly defined objectives & purpose. It is for development of individual and growth of society.
Ø Its scope and subject matter is well defined.
Education as a discipline has both theoretical and practical aspect.
Theoretical aspects include philosophical, curriculum, instructional, learning, sociology and anthropology practical aspect include policy making and edectism.
Practitioners of education requires skills, knowledge and attitude in the discipline. Hence, the subject education can be considered as a pure discipline as an applied discipline.
Education is purposive- There is a definite purpose of all educational activity.
Education as an academic discipline was emerged in the second half of 19th century, with the inception of Teachers College, Columbia University.
Modern, teachers colleges and the modern teachers colleges and modern departments, schools or facualities of education with in universities were emerged the curricula of these institutions lead to the improvement of schools; school systems, and the improved learning of individuals and groups.
Education as a discipline and subject of steady made its first entry into a university in India in 1971 in University of Calcutta.
A second land mark was in 1936 when the Bombay University. Instituted an M.Ed Course in 1943. The first PhD Degree in education was awarded by Bombay University.
Teacher education, education guidance and counseling. Education planning and management, Demographic education conteperative education. Special education. Distance  education inclusive and inter cultural education, curriculum development. Educational measurement and evaluation physical education, computer education, peace education, value education, sex education.
Education is a comprehensive term and it reflects one’s day to day life and an essential aspects for perfect balanced personality development. On the other hand, the meaning of education can be understood from the narrower broader point of view. Education in the narrower sense means. Conscious and deliberate process, modifies the behavior of the learner and bring about in the educand. Specific knowledge and skills. Such an education is confined to school and university instructions whatever takes place in a school and whatever influences child behavior is considered education.
In broader point of view education is a lifelong process. It starts with conception and end with death (womb to tomb process). It is preparation of life through life experiences. Here education is not limited in classroom teaching  or training.
Following are the chief characteristic of education as a discipline.
1.     Education is purposive
There is a definite purpose of all educational objective.
2.     Education is deliberate
Education involve special care and guidance. The process of education is not any conscious but also deliberate. The educator is fully aware of the fail that his aim is to develop the personality of the child along. Definite line through the modification of his behavior.
3.     Education is drawing out and bringing up process
Different meaning of education high lighted  that education is the process of bring out the innute potentialities of the child. Education is an active and dynamic process by which modifications are brought bout in the behavior of n individual.
4.     Education is  knowledge as well as experience
Education is not only simply quiring different types of knowledge but it involve real life experiences. Human progress through ages has been made possible through the increase& diffusion knowledge.
5.     Education is liberal and vocational
Education can be considered as the liberal process and later it will help the child to train in a particular vocation education is meaning full only when it aim at some employment. Modern democratic education has placed vocation aim in its fore front.
6.     For the Good of the individual and well fare of the society
The purpose of education 18 well being of the individual and welfare of the society and a synthesis of individual and society. Education is called a force for social development which brings improvement in every aspect in the society.
7.     Stabilizer, conservator and reconstructionistic
Education help to conserve stabilize and reform the society and culture.
8.     Education is planned
Education is not hap hazed. It is planned and systematic. If refers to transact its activities through a systematic institution and regulation.
9.     Education is lifelong
Education starts from the time of conception and goes until death. Education from cradle to grave as sometime said. Education is lifelong. Process because every stage of life of an individual. Is important from of educational point.

10.                        Education is influence exerted
Education is the mature persons. (Teachers, Parents, Adult) influence on child.
11.                        Education is balanced development
Education concerned with the development of all the faculities of the child.
12.                        Education is bipolar
Education is the process in which both teacher and pupil influence each other the personality of the educator modifies. The behavior of the educant and in turn is affected by the personality of the educand.
13.                        Education is tripolar
Education involves the teacher of the subject matter.
14.                        Education is psychological as well as social
The endowments or the capacities of the child – his needs interest etc must be interpreted and developed in a social setting
15.                        Education is growth
Education modifies the behaviour of the child, Human behaviour is modified and improved through educational process.
16.                        Education is power
Education is power and treasure in human being through which he is entitled, as the supreme master on earth. Education is life long process.

There for the role of education is countless for a perfect society and man it is necessary for every society and nation to bring histolic. Happiness and prosperity to its individuals.

Historically, scholars have made unfailing effort to position education as a standard science but no solid successes has been achieved regardless of the positivistic paradigm, quantitative approaches or value free neutral stances they adopted. As interdisciplines permeate the field of education, education experiences a crisis of being colonized. After serious rethinking interdisciplines were widely believed to do more good than harm to education is being to transform a ‘colony’ to empire.
Inter disciplinary involves the combining of two or more academic discipline in to one activity. It is about creating something new by crossing boundaries and thinking across them. The term inter disciplinary field which is an organisational unit is applied with in education & training pedagogies to describe studies that use method and insight of several established disciplines or traditional field of study. 
1.     Education and philosophy
As a field of study philosophy is one of the oldest discipline it is the root of all knowledge Education has also drawn its material from different philosophical bases like education philosophy also closely related to human life. There for being an important life activity education is also greatly influenced by philosophy
2.     Education and Sociology
Emile Darkheim was the first person who indelated the need for a sociological approach to education. He considered education to be essantialy social in character and in its function and that as a result  the theory of education relates more clearly to sociology  than any other science. He emphasized that education is not a static phenomenon but a agnamic and ever- changing process.
3.     Education and psychology
psychology applied in education is the study of how human learn in educational setting, the effectiveness educational interventions the psychology of teaching and social psychology of school as organizations. It is concerned with how students learn and develop often focusing of sub groups such as gifted children and those subjected to specafic disabilities.

4.     Education and economics
Economics education is the study of  economics issue relating to education including demand for the education on the financing and provision of education.
5.     Education and History
To understand, schools we must view them in historical perspective it tried to explain how the history of humanity &history has led to the development of schools as we know them today. To have a clear understanding about historical aspect of education. The history of indigenous education in India act as a basis of all educational politics and reforms in India.
6.     Education and Political Science
7.     As an academic discipline the study of politics in education has two main roots. The first root is based on the Theories from political science. While the second root is anchored in organizational theory. Political Science attempt to explain how societies and social organization use power to established regulation and allocate resources.
8.     Education and Anthropology
The focus of anthropology of education is cultural transmission Educational system in society’s attempt to promote stability and enure its own survival by passing on its insight, Ideals, Skills, assumptions and goals to the next generation
Scope of education means the major focal areas coming under education as discipline. Present day education is as much more structured in comparison to yester years. Where there was no such concept of formal education one angle scope of education is different.
1.     Levels of education
2.     Aspects of education
3.     Types of education

a.     Pre-Primary education
Pre-primary education is known as various names such as nersary education kinder garden education ECCE. Nursery & Kinder garden are infact western system of Pre-primary education which we are trying to. Adopt into Indian system. Here children are taught how to do develop basic skills. The founder of pre-primary education in Germen philosopher for bet. He establish kinder garden taught through songs & gifts. In India Gandhiji planned Pre-basic education. Kinder garden montisorri, Nursery, pre-basic school, Day Care Centers, Balawadis etc are example
b.    Primary eduction
The elementary stage of formal educational set up covers primary education it is the stage when the child start reading. Formal instruction in an institution child having 6-8 years of schooling that usually start from the age of 5 or 6. The main aim of primary education is to establish functions in a variety of subjects such as Science, Mathematics, Social science.
c.      Secondary eduction
It is the final stage of education in school primary education end with VII then after enter the Secondary and Higher Secondary stage. Its starts with VIII to end with XII in XI & XII standards Kerala this stage had been attached to colleges as the pre-degree courses till 1991.
d.    Higher education
Higher education is non- compulsory educational level which comprises of under graduate and post graduate along. With vocational education training usually a person need to admit in a college or a university to receive higher education.
e.      Special eductions
There are some students who require special learning needs which are addressed through special education according  to IDEA [ Individual with Disabilities Educational Act]  child is first identified as one who requires special education support then the child is evaluated on its basis his/ her eligibility is determined.
f.      Adult education
A the name suggest adult education refers to a practice of educating adults. There are different form of adult education namely formal, class based learning, e-learning and self directed learning.

It include
1.     Aim of education
2.     Carriculam
3.     Method of teaching
4.     Role of teacher
5.     Discipline

1.     Aim of education
Aims gives direction to activities aim of education are formulated keeping in view the need of situation our of several aim of education individual & social aim are important. They are opposed to   each other in individual aim give important to development of individual social aim give importance to development of society through individual.
2.     Curriculam
The organic section of schooling & further education has long been associated with the idea of a curriculam. Curriculam is the tool in the hand of the artist to mould his material in his studio. It involve the basic principle of curriculam construction, way of organising subject matter, recent trend in curriculam construction implementation & evaluation.
3.     Method of teaching
A teaching method comprises the principle and method used for instruction, commonly used teaching method may include lecture, demonstration, reuitation project, problem solving, discussion method etc. The choice of method is based on information or skill it may influenced by the attitude and enthusiasm of the student teaching method are one of the major focal area of education.
4.     Role of a teacher
Teacher are one of the main pillar of a progressive society they bear weight and responsibility of teaching and a part from parents are the main sources of knowledge and value to children. Now a days teacher provide information and show their students how to take them. They are supporters rather than educators. The changing role of teachers in the modern society is major role of subject matter of education.
5.     Discipline
Discipline is the inner control of behaviour discipline can be of there type first is impressionistic discipline in which discipline I develop by modelling and imitation of adult behaviour by a young child. Second is the emanicipator discipline in which children discipline by them selves suffering consequence of his own at. Next is repressionistic in which children learn through punishment and authority.

The process of education can be classified into three categories. They are formal education in formal education & non formal education.

v Formal education
Formal education in which the teacher an the taught face each other in a classroom situation on a regular and continious basis and predetermined syllabus according to time table, source of promotion to next class after passing the previous one. Take a public examination at the end of the course and receives a certificate. It is legally institutionalised and rigid it has foced point of entry and cut. It I motivated by employment opportunity.
v Informal education
The education received in indirect manner is called Informal education. Some people called it individual or cultural education it ha no anticipated goal. Formal planning and regid organization it is life long process. The home, peer group playmates mass media etc for example. The san of farmer alquihe knowledge about farming from is father. In informal education experiences are unstructured and indefinite.
v Non formal education
This group include the school drop out, the employed or working person those living away from the additional institutions house wives, related persons. Non formal education is not a substitute or parallel to the formal education. We need Formal & Non formal education system supplementing each other Non formal education deter from Formal and informal education.


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